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資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 林口紅土台地滲透性之研究
作者 王志雄
出版日期 1984
中文摘要 近年來由於都市人口之集中與土地之利用趨於飽和,有加速向鄰近山坡地發展之傾向。紅土台地因鄰接都市且地勢平緩,故成為開發山坡地之首驅目標。在山坡地土地利用方面,邊坡之穩定為最重要的課題,而地表逕流大小又與邊坡穩定息息相關。集水區域內降雨時,地表逕流之產生乃由於降雨強度超過土壤滲入率及表面瀦留所致。因此,倘能預知集水區內土壤滲入率之大小與特性,則因豪雨而產生之洪水量及洪峰過程均可據此予以推算。本研究乃在林紅土台地,測定其在不同土地利用下之土壤滲入率乃滲透係數,以了解其滲透特性。同時,於台地邊坡以明坑取樣品做粒徑分析及室內重模之滲透係數,以了解礫石層之透水性。
英文摘要 The main purpose of this study is to plan strategies that junior high schools in San Chung promote the community arts and culture activities, to invite professionals who are expert in promoting the arts and culture activities to give their opinions, and to analyze the proper strategies. After summarizing all the strategies above, the researcher lays out a set of strategies that junior high schools promote the community arts and culture activities. To obtain the research proposes stated above, the researcher adopts literature analysis and Delphi techniques as the research methods. The researcher probes the basic concepts of schools and communities, analyzes the community arts and culture activities and related studies, and explores the contents of the strategies as the first step. According to the results of literature exploration, the researcher develops the questionnaire about“ strategies that junior high schools in San Chung promote the community arts and culture activities” as the research tool.
出版者 國立中興大學水土保持研究所
出版地 臺中市
關鍵詞 臺北縣;林口鄉;林口;紅土台地;滲透性;坡地;地表逕流;降雨強度;邊坡穩定;礫石層

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