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系統識別碼 /088NTU00136008
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 都市發展下的正義問題--台北市信義區的三個個案研究
作者 楊秉煌
出版日期 2000
頁碼或冊數 207
中文摘要 地理學者長久以來努力地探索人與環境的關係,其目的豈僅只是「解秘」而已。隱含在地理學者的研究裡,我們可以觀察到有兩個重要的精神深植於其中,一為效益,一為道德。「效益」是要使人對地表各項資源的利用能達到效益的極大化、使用的永續化;「道德」乃是要求資源的分配要公正化,人雖非生而平等,但地理學者要為大眾創造更美好和諧的生活而努力,這便是地理學研究所充滿的道德精神。因此,對於「社會正義」的追求,便是這兩個精神的具體展現。本研究係採用後現代主義的研究取向來從事研究的工作,在研究中發現,每一個個案本身所呈顯的空間性,是多元的空間性,而這個多元性本身並不是固著的,而是動態的;其次,經由對每個個案空間性的討論中,可以發現,空間性的構成主要是由社會、空間與權力所形構而成,而成為本研究中本體論的核心;再者,在對空間、社會與權力的討論中,可以發現其中有許多正義的問題是由三者所相互作用而成,而其中權力更是最為重要的討論部分,因此透過對權力關係的解析,可以進一步的做為吾人在面臨正義與不義之間的重要分析切入點。
英文摘要 To explore the relationship between human and environment is one of the major works by geographers. Its purpose is not only to know ''what happened?'' but to find two major spirits embedded in geographers'' works: one is to seek efficiency; the other is to seek morality. Efficiency seeking makes people reach the maximum utility and sustainably use the resources they exploit. Morality seeking pursuits just distribution of the resources. Men are not born equal. Hence, one of the geographers'' missions is to create a better life for people. Works on social justice demonstrate the preceding two major spirits.Postmodernism approach is the position I take here, and we may first find in this research that spatiality which each case presents is pluralistic. The pluralistic spatialities are not fixed; instead, they are dynamic. Then, under the discussion of each case, we also find that the formation of the spatialities are accomplished by the integration of society, space and power, and the mechanism of formation comes to be the core of ontoloty in my research. Furthermore, the issues about justice are centered by the interaction of the former triangular situation, in which power is the most important concern under my discussion. Therefore, my analysis of relations of power would be the cutting edge while we are encountered with the just or unjust issues.
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出版者 國立臺灣大學地理學研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;信義區;會正義;後現代主義;差異;都市

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