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系統識別碼 091NTU00225033
資料類型 學位論文
主要題名 集體空間營造的經驗研究:紫藤廬
作者 曾憲陽
出版日期 2003
頁碼或冊數 109
中文摘要 市定古蹟紫藤廬,以其豐富的人文歷史事件、以及多元文化交織出的火花,被指定為市定古蹟。 本文關注的核心不在辯論其歷史價值,亦不在考察其豐富的文化現象,而是要將其空間的營造過程放在其人文歷史的脈絡下,以空間設計的觀點來考察:哪些人參與其中?人們如何組織而進行空間營造?如何決策而做出了一點點空間營造的小動作? 五十多年來,多元異質的參與者在紫藤廬進進出出;有人得勢有人失勢、有人留下有人離去、有人高談闊論有人默默耕耘。紫藤廬中的多元個體,各自展現其改變空間的慾望,而在一定的社會位置限制下,慢慢進行著一點點的空間改變行動。它呈現的是城市設計理論中提到的「有機成長」現象:「有機成長」理論強調個體與整體間的關係,關注的是城市或聚落中,個體的空間營造行動如何在一定的社會組織下塑成整體空間形式;而我們在紫藤廬這個讀棟建築中,也看到了多元個體間特殊的社會關係所形成的不同集結形式,形塑著整體空間形式。 以空間營造的觀點看,不同的集結形式指涉著不同的空間營造權力版圖。本文在CH3至CH6中,將依紫藤廬空間的公共狀態演變作為歷史分期,以從中分析空間營造權力版圖的演變;而將空間營造分為詮釋空間、經理空間與實做空間三個領域,分析其空間營造過程。在此,空間中多元的參與者,有三種介入空間營造的途徑:有人實際操作實質空間、有人用各種方法經營或使用空間、有人則在紙上或論壇中書寫空間意義。 在紫藤廬的個案中,空間營造的權力版圖由單人主導、各自行動、組織行動、而發至公共討論,呈現了一個「集結形式的練習過程」;而三個領域的空間營造經驗,長久下來由邊玩邊做的互動發展,逐漸成熟為由空間論述主導形式,這也呈現一個「空間營造的練習過程」。這兩個過程互動發展、不可分割,一起在五十年的練習中取得更成熟的形式。 然而,集體空間營造呈現的這個練習過程,真的如此美好嗎? 素樸而自由的空間創作堆砌出了偉大的空間論述,卻被空間論述回頭約束了;片段的個人集結成了公共的集體,集體卻回頭將個人行動的自由給約束了。從公共的角度看,它逐漸成熟而上軌道了;從私人的角度看,逐漸成熟的同時卻也逐漸僵固了。這是集體空間營造的練習過程呈現的矛盾。
英文摘要 Wisteria Teahouse is a historical monument in Taipei. It’s famous for its brilliant cultural history and is thought as a public space in Taiwan. The thesis is to analyze the collective process of spatial production through the theories of architectural design. Aware of the public history, the thesis focuses on the private history. The process of spatial production will be observed not only through great cultural discourses but also through unnoticed individual actions. Two questions are important: How did people gather here and organize? How did the spatial production go under such a group? Actually, a “group” is not certainly familiar, public or well-organized. It’s only a crowd of various individuals under certain relationship. From the viewpoint of organic growth, the space of Wisteria Teahouse as a whole is formed by many individual actions as a part. How people form the space depends on the way they organized. Here I bring up two frameworks to investigate the experience of Wisteria Teahouse. From CH3 to CH6 I divided the history into four periods according to their public condition in order to observe how people organized. And in each chapter I classify the spatial production into a category of three kinds of action: physical act, management and interpretation. Various participants have three ways to do something to form the whole space. The experience shows a process of practice. People practice how to organize and how to produce space at the same time. From individuals to a public organization, the group matured; form acting at random to acting according to spatial discourse, the way of spatial production matured. However, the process of practice is not so wonderful. When the group becomes more and more public and well-organized, the individuals inside get less and less free; when the spatial discourse rises, the individual spatial action loses its creativity. Through the private viewpoint, we see the contradiction in the process of practice.
出版者 國立臺灣大學建築與城鄉研究所
出版地 臺北市
關鍵詞 臺北市;大安區;紫藤廬;空間營造;公共空間;設計方法;集體

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